
MaganaMed is now part of the European PERMEABLE consortium

PERMEABLE (PERsonalized MEdicine Approach for asthma and allergy Biologicals Se LEction) is a research project on predictors of response to novel treatments for children and young adults with severe asthma and allergy.

Aim of the multi-disciplinary PERMEABLE consortium is to develop the urgently needed personalized medicine approach for a just, save and effective, thus PERMEABLE access to biologicals for allergy patients across Europe, based on individual susceptibility to molecular mechanisms targeted by the available biologicals. This study combines (a) clinical research to define and structure clinical decision-making and to apply these in a proof-of-principle Pan-European cohort of young biologicals users with (b) advanced preclinical studies using innovative functional cell models and non-invasive omics to develop clinical applications, and (c) scalable, cloud-based IT solutions to allow for multilingual data management, big data analysis and clinical-decision making tools to guide treatment.

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