
The modular structure of our system enables you to put together the functionality exactly as your study requires. You only pay for what you need.
Multi-Centre Module
for studies at multiple sites
If several partners at different sites are involved in the study, all sites can actively participate in the study with this module. Study centers can be given individual access rights (e.g each center can only view and edit its own patients). Each patient can be pseudonymously assigned to a study center, so that e.g. recruitment rates of each center can be easily determined.

--> Unlimited study centres
--> Unlimited users (study team)
--> Unlimited participants
--> Unlimited visits
--> Unlimited amount of CRFs ans questions
--> Unlimited data points
--> Individual access rights for individual centres, groups or persons
Query Management Module
for the administration and processing of queries
Our query management module supports you in managing, editing and documenting all queries: Conveniently create new queries directly where they occur. Keep track of the number and status of queries. Communicate with the study center directly in query management. Of course, all processes are completely stored in the audit log.

--> Complete administration and processing of queries in the software
--> Automatic documentation of each question and corresponding answer including its processor (audit-trail)
--> Unlimited Queries
--> Individual access and editing rights
Notification symbol
for patient surveys
The Survey/ePRO module can be used to create surveys/questionnaires that can be filled out by the patient. They are then sent either via a link or a QR code. Both can be sent to the participant either by e-mail or by letter. Each respondent only has access to his or her own questionnaire. Processing can be interrupted at any time and resumed at the same point at another time. The questionnaire is saved automatically so that no data can be lost.

--> Layman-friendly and intuitive user guidance
--> Sending of the questionnaire via individual link or QR code
--> Can be used on all end devices (smartphone, tablet, PC,...)
--> Automatic caching of all data entered
--> All questions can be displayed in different font sizes
--> All data entered available in real time
for handling patient names in the software
Strict data protection and GDPR compliance are a matter of course for us. Therefore, only pseudonymised data is stored in the Magana Trial Manager, without exception. However, if you still need the option of having direct access to the patients' real names in your study, this can be realised with the "Mainzelliste" module. In this case, the patients' names are stored on a separate server. This server can either be in-house, or a dedicated server of the Medical University of Mainz, which was set up exclusively for this purpose, can be used. In this way, the unique names are optimally protected from access by third parties and a connection to the study can only be established via the patient ID, which is coded in the Magana Trial Manager

--> GDPR compliant handling of patient unique names
--> Secure storage of the unique names on a separate server (e.g. at the University of Mainz or at your site in-house)
--> Patient ID and unique names are stored on different servers and can therefore only be merged via the software.
Test tube
Bio Sample Management Module
for support of biosamples in studies
In some studies, blood, serum or other biospecimens are collected, analysed and evaluated. The Bio Sample Module supports you in the complete workflow related to the samples. From the creation of labels, to the shipping of the sample, to the life-cycle management and documentation of the results, the entire process is supported

--> Support in the creation of sample ID labels
--> Support in the shipping of the samples
--> Documentation of the sample life-cycle from collection to measurement.